Presbyterian Church Archives Sound Tape Archive (Dated Tapes)

Code Provenance Tape No Title Description Date
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 303 Heresy Charges Wardlaw, Blakie Geering's reply 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 194 Parish & Community Service
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 451 A.P.W.
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 500 Address to Assembly David Taylor, Sect. N.C.C. 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 521 Driftin' Gipp Foster
NOTE - damaged label reads "52"
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 438 Before the Cross
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 553 A.P.W. Conf. Talk on Prayer
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 560 Rev Michael Jackson-Campbell Assembly 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 570 Church Union Debate
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 641b The Jesus Revolution In Pop Music
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 678 Assembly Breward, Matheson, Knight 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 765 General Assembly - Communion Service
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 776 Dr Eugene Blake - Christmas Message
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 813 The second mile - Moderators Address S.C. Francis 1961
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 814 The second mile. Moderators Address S.C. Francis 1961
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 838 Turakina
July 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 839 General Assembly Inaugural Address, W. B. Watt 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 840 General Assembly
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 841 General Assembly
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 846 Turakina Mrs Jackman 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 848 Turakina Mrs Waitere, Nelson Speirs 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 857 Impulse '73
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 868 Church Union Rob Ewan 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 872 The Work Ethic MJC 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 895 Turakina Mr McIndoe, Miss Averell Collins 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 896 Turakina Waitere, Speirs, Jackman 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 900 Ian Norwell
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 901 Faith for today MJC 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 933 General Assembly Communion Service 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 937 Peoples Night
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 944 East Gore. St Andrews. Calvin. Centennial Day
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 971 General Assembly Charges of Heresy 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 973 Christmas spots Home for Xmass
Baby in a Cradle
Best of 77
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 976 Easter
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 991 Moderator interviewed by Hans Kuiper before going south 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1012 Michael Jackson-Campbell
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Jan Schwass takes for Ministry Gnte AV NOTE - unnummbered, "Gnte" guessed from handwritten label 19/2/1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 313 The mass media in Japan - Anaco 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 379 Massey Lectures 1968 - Dr Martin Luther King
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 546 Response of Women in the 70's APW 1971 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 547 Ecumenical Encounter.. Joan Anderson APW 1971 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 548 Maori-Pakeke(?) Relations Mrs Jarram, APW 1971 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 549 Abortion Laws APW 1971 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 550 What time is it Joan Anderson, APW 1971 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 259 Alan Brash
Dec 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 372 Billy Graham, Dunedin
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 557 APW Conf 1972 Ecumenical Dialogue
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 576 Script. Christmas appeal filmstrip
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1
Side 1
Bells and Choir
Soviet Union
Side 2
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2

GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3
Swapo President
Rev Katalala
Lock up and island
Peace and justice in the Pacific
Service and sharing - Hundu perspective
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4
Business with SA connected banks
Church in solidarity with women
Christianity in the Pacific
Orthodox churches look back
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5

GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8
Philipines - Church in society
Korea - Songs of praise
No celebratory song
Mission today - how much partnership
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9
AIDS - where is the church
Philipines - Justice, peace and integrity of creation
Asian christian art
Conscientious objection
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10

GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Bethune House (F?R?P?)ita England. APW Project 1986-87 1986-87?
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Ron Bichan Hospital Service 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
APW Conference 1972 Mrs C. Marshall
Rev. J. Murray
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
APW June 1972?
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Christmas spot competition 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 561 "Sensitivity, Sense and Activity" Prof of Psychology Dr. Taylor (of Victoria University)

APW 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 543 Address at Royal Service in ChCh cath. by former Primate-Archbishop Lesser 1963
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 767 Evening service, St Paul's Trinity-Pacific Christchurch 23 Jul 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 APW Conference 1985 - Judy Allison
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 APW Conference 1985 - Dianne Feeney
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 52 General Assembly 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 57 General Assembly 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 58 Nuremburg interviews 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 59 Nuremburg interviews 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 66 General Assembly Doctrine Debate
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 74 Operation enterprise
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 101 Murdering wind, Fiji cyclone 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 147 APW 1980 Alister Rae 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 224 APW 1980 Rev Alister Rae
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 260 James Matheson The Christian Congregation Princeton Institute 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 261 James Matheson The Christian Congregation Princeton Institute 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 331 Assembly 1981 Public Questions
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 332 Assembly 1981 Public Questions
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 337 Assembly 1980 Retiring Mod. Add. Mrs Joan Anderson 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 338 Assembly 1980 PIC Rev Sio 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 353 People's night
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 382 Hans Florin address to Communication
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 405 Jesus reconsidered Prof L. Geering 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 410 Dr Krister Stendahl Thatcher Lecture 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 422 WCC Assembly Canada 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 427 Tony Campalo 1979 Young life conference
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Sounds of Assembly
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1986 Congregational singing
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1985 Campbell/Harris/Thawley
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1985 Message from moderator
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1984 Message from moderator
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1986 Election of moderate designate 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1986 Opening service 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Tawa youth group. Four songs
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1980 Church union debate
1 and 2 of 8

GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1980 Church union debate
3 and 4 of 8

GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1980 Church union debate
5 and 6 of 8

GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Reshaping for mission Rev. Alister Rae

Sept 1987
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Hymn for services (?) Rev. Bill Watt (?) 1960 (?)
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Dancing Music (?) Rev. Bill Watt (?) Jul 1973 (?)
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1961 Address by Rev. J. G. Laughton 1961
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Moderators Address 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Moderators Address 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Petitions. Church Architecture 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Social Service. Knox College. Maori Synod. Petitions 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 International relations 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Records. Book of Order. Church Property 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Savings and Developm. Church Worship. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Standing Committees 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Doctrine. Ministry 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Overtures. Christian Education. Statistics 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Overtures. Notices of Motion 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1975 Deaconess Service 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1961 Very Rev J. G. Laughton. Address to Assembly 1961
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1961 Lord Cobham, Gov. Gen. Address 1961
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1961 Debate - Women in Ministry 1961
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1961 Opening of Assembly 1961
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1962 Opening Address. Very Rev S. C. Francis. Nomination Mod. Des. Rt Rev M. Wilson 1962
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1962 Farewell. Dr J. Henderson. Dr J. Allan. Bookroom. Nominations. Chair of Theology, New Testament. Co-ordinator of Women's work 1962
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1962 Nomination. Principal Maori Theological College. Gov. Gen address 1962
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1962 Notices of motion, etc. Closing address 1962
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1963 Farewell to Very Rev A. D. Horwell. J. D. Salmond 1963
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1963 Opening Address. Rt Rev M. Wilson. Installation and address Rt. Rev J. S. Murray 1963
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1963 Women in the Ministry. Closing address 1963
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1980 People's Night Rt. Rev T. M. Corkill 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1980 Assembly Finance Committee 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Assembly 1971 Nomination speeches. Rt Rev E. F. Farr 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication
Rev W Fairlie Evans Reminiscences of Rev. W. Fairlie Evans, interviewed by Rev Ian Breward 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1965 Opening Address. Norman Perry. Moderators Address Rt. Rev J. Bates. Gen. Admin.,Gen Secret.,Treasurer, Statistics, Dept. Information 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1965 Appointments.Finance,Ministry. Worship. Life and Work. Radio-TV 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1965 Churches Ministry Healing. New Life. Christian Education, Overtures. Theological education.Church Union 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1965 Church Union. 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1965 Public Questions. Church and Education. Maori Synod 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1965 Maori Synod. Home Ministry. Stipends. Co-ordin. Women's . A.P.W. Overseas Mission 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1965 Overseas Mission, Women's Work, Commissioned Church Workers. Ecumenical Affairs. Records. Moderator Designate. SocialService 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1965 Social Service. Historical records. Ministerial transfers. Book of Order. Centenary Fund. Busy Bees. Stipends, Sessional 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1965 Beneficiary, Nomination Christian Education Director. Board of Education. Knox College Council, St Margaret's College. University Halls of Residence. Chaplain to the Forces 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1965 Liquor problems and alcoholism. Sessional Committee. Presentation.P.Harrison and I Robinson. Overture anent Board of Gov. Turakina College. International relations 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1965 Mission and problems of city Parishes, New Settlers. Judicial, Church Architect. Church Property. Theo. Hall. Radio-T.V. 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1965 N. of Motions. Closing of Assembly 1965
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1966 Opening. Rt.Rev J.M.Bates. Moderators Address. Rt Rev S. Read. Home Ministry. Radio-T.V. Christian Marriage. Social Service. Statistics. Chaplain to Forces 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1966 Mod. arrangements. Recruitment for Ministry. Gen. Admin. Treasurer. Finance. Theological Education 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1966 Beneficiary Fund. Home Ministry. Maori Synod. Anne Henry received 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1966 Public Questions. Margaret Reid received. New Ministerial Members. Petition. Beneficiary Fund. Doctrine 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1966 Doctrine debate 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1966 Women's work. Deaconess Assoc. Lay Training. Overseas Missions. Appointments. Church Union. Gov. Gen. Petition St Johns 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1966 Assoc. of Presby. Women. Church Union. Christian Education. Records. Publicity 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1966 Moderator-designate. Appointm. Assembly Clerk. Assistant Treasurer. Beneficiary Fund. Life and Work. Liquor Problems. City Churches 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1966 Board of Education. Knox College Council. International Relations. Theological Education. Public Questions. Notices of Motions 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1966 Overseas Mission. Publications. Ecumenical Affairs. Life and Work. Liquor Problems. Standing Comm. Closing of Assembly 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 67 Assembly 1966 General Assembly Doctrine Debate. (cassette.) 1966
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1967 Opening service. Rt Rev S. Read. Rt Rev E. G. Jansen. Sir George Manning. Official Observers. Missionaries welcomed. Life and Work. Church and Ministry 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1967 Ministry of Healing. Appointments. Administration. Treasurer. Finance Committee. Theological Hall. Applications... 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1967 Overtures. Chair of Reformed Theology. Beneficiary. New Life. Statistics. Dr E. A. Payne. Joint Comm A.P.W. Deaconess Assoc. Women's Work Comm. Overseas Missions 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1967 Maori Synod. Chaplain to Forces. New Ministerial members. Dept.Inf 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1967 Dept. of Information. Bookroom. Ecumenical Affairs. Doctrine. Church Union 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1967 Christian Education. Doctrine. Charge of Heresy..Wardlaw/Blaikie 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1967 Chaplain to Forces. Public Questions. Liquor Problems. Dept. of Information. Greetings. 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1967 Moderator Designate. Appointments. Overseas Mission appointm. Outlook Appointment. Church Worship. Reply to charges. Prof. Geering. 1967
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1968 Opening address. Rt. Rev. E. G. Jansen. Rt. Rev. I. W. Fraser. Theological Education. Recruitment. Statistics. Radio-TV. Book of Order. Assembly Clerk. 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1968 Communion Service. Appointments. Doctrine. 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1968 N/M. Petition. A.P.W. Prof. G. A. F. Knight. Overseas Missions 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1968 Rev Norman Cocks. Rev Stan Murray. Doctrine Debate. Overture. New Ministerial members, Special Committee, Applications/Receptions 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1968 Home Ministry. Chaplain to Forces. Public Questions 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1968 Christian Education. Records. Assoc. Secretary. Mod. Designate. Life and work. Rev D. G. Stewart 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1968 Social Service. Church Union. Gen. Admin. Board of Education. University Halls of Residence. Knox College. Bookroom 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1968 International Relations. Ecumenical Relations. Maori Synod 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1968 N/M. Beneficiary Fund. Judicial. Mission Inner City. New Life. Administration 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1968 Finance. Union Parishes. N/M. Dept. Of Information. Radio-T.V. Sessional Committee Doctrine 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1968 New Life. Church Worship. Christian Education. Home Ministry. Church Architect. Church Property Trustees. Centenary Board. Historical Records. Moderators Arrangements 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1968 N/M. Votes of thanks. Devotions. 1968
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1969 Rt Rev I. Fraser. Rt. Rev O. Baragwanath. Dep. Mayor. Mr Sidey. Business comm. Appointments. General Administration 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1969 Finance Committee. Church Property Trustees. Beneficiary Fund. Union and Co-op. Parishes. Standing Comm. Special Committee on Consultation with Congregational Union. New Life 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1969 Spec. Comm. on Radio-T.V. Christian Education, Home Ministry 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1969 Life and Work. Board of Education. University Halls of Residence. N/M. Recruitment. Home Ministry. Dept. of Information. Standing Committee. Joint Comm on A.P.W. and Gen Ass. Overseas Missions 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1969 International relations. General Treasurer. Doctrine 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1969 Theological Education. Welcome New Ministerial Members, and Churches from Congregational Union. Sermon Rev A. H. Johnston. Public Questions 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1969 Moderator. Records. Standing Comm. Moderator Designate. Prof. Pastoral Theology. Dir. Christian Educ. Rev I. Dixon 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1969 Church World Service. Church Union. Sessional Comm on Centralisation 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1969 Applications and Receptions. Radio/T.V. Bookroom. Chaplain to Forces. Maori Synod. Statistics. Social Service 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1969 Ecumenical Affairs. Mission to Inner City. Life and Work. Finance. N/M. Doctrine. Miss Patterson received. Doctrine. Theo. Educ 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1969 Church Union. N/M. Gen Admin. Gen. Sec. Finance. Church Worship. Church Archit. Book of Order. Judicial. Overtures 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1969 N/M. Vote of thanks. Moderators closing address. People Night. 1969
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1970 Pacific Island Choir. Rt Rev 0. Baragwanath opening address. Rt Rev G. Falloon. Gospel Singers. Records. Gen Admin. Gen. Secret. Treasurer. Church Archit 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1970 Finance Committee. Property Trustees. Beneficiary Fund. Application and Receptions. Chaplain to Forces. Statistics. Radio/T.V. Doctrine. Moderators arrangements. 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1970 Doctrine. Overtures. Book of Order. New Ministerial members. Home Ministry 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1970 Social Service. Mission to Inner City. Reception Dep. Mayor. Board of Education. University Halls of Residence. Knox College Council. Dept. of Information 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1970 A. P. W. Report. Overseas Missions. Ecumenical Affairs. N/M. Nomination of Moderator-designate. Nomination Director. Radio-T.V 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1970 Nomination Admin. Secretary. Nomination Gen Treasurer. Special committee on Centralisation. Church Union 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1970 Church Union. N/M. Public Questions 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1970 Presentation of Christian Educ. Workers. Presentation M.J. Campbell. Records committee. Theological education. Life and Work 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1970 N/M. Spec. Comm on Diaconate. Spec. Comm.on Press-Congregational Liaison. Pacific Island Management Board. International relations. N.C.C. Sec. for Church and Society. Mr A. Gnanasunderam. Maori Synod Joint Comm 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1970 New Life. Church Worship. Christian Education. Depart. of Informat. Presentation Mr B. Brooks. Judicial Comm. Ecumenical Affairs 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1970 Church Union. N/M . Petitions. Committee on Standing Committee 1970
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1971 Opening service. Very Rev G. Falloon. Rt Rev L. H. Jenkins. Welcome to new Ministerial members. Business committee. General Administration. 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1971 Depart. of Inform. Bookroom. World Alliance. Life and work. N/M. Assoc. of Pres. Women. Overseas Missions 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1971 Maori Synod. Pacific Islanders Management Board. N/M. Christian Education. International Affairs. 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1971 International Affairs. Board of Education. Knox College Council. University Halls of Residence. Social Service. New life 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1971 Theological Education. Centralisation Spec Comm. Welcome and address, by Prof. Nichol. Address by M.J. Campbell. Radio/T.V. Public Questions 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1971 Ministry Report. Records. Nomination Moderator-Designate. Appointments. Reply-address by Rev E. F. Farr. Appointments. O. T. Professor 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1971 Church Union. Ministry report 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1971 Ministry. Church Architect. Public Questions. N/M. Church Worship 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1971 Church Worship. Christian Education. N/M The Diaconate. Pres. Savings and Develop. Soc. Radio/T.V. Doctrine. N/m. Votes of thanks. Closing remarks 1971
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1972 Opening service. Rev. L. H. Jenkins. Rev E. Farr. 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1972 Roll of Ministers and Deaconesses. Business Committee, Administration, General Secretary 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1972 Finance. Radio and T.V. Statistics, Beneficiary, Church Architect. 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1972 Dept. Inform. Outlook, Church Union. Church Worship. P. S. D. Soc. 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1972 A.P.W., Overseas Missions and Presentation. Maori Synod Pacific Is. 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1972 Moderators Arrangements. Book of Order 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1972 Public Questions continued from tape 7. 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1972 Board of Education. Knox College Council, International Relations. Church Property Trustees. Notice of Motions 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1972 Church Union Debate. 9 speakers 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1972 Church Union continued 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1972 Church Union continued. Social Service 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1972 New Ministers. Ministry Comm. Presentation Rev R. McKenzie, Leta Hawe 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1972 Ministry Comm. contin. Sessional Comm. Youth Exec. Officer, Nominati 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1972 Address. Rev G. F. McKenzie, General Secret. Communications, Ecumenica 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1972 Christian Education. Notices of Motions. Theological Education 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1972 Address to Dr Bates. Life and Work. Sessional Comm. Doctrine 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1972 New Life Comm. N/M. Ministry. 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1972 Moderator speaking to L.Hampton and W.Best. Bookroom Workgrou (1/2) 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1972 Moderator speaking to L.Hampton and W.Best. Bookroom Workgrou (2/2) 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1972 Clerk of Assembly. Rev S. Read. Overtures. Stand. Comm 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1972 Committee on Standing Committees, Votes of Thanks. 1972
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1973 Opening of Assembly 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1973 Mission Overseas. Business Committee, Council of Assembly 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1973 0/t appointm. A.Exec. Sec. App. Sessional Comm, 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1973 Leprosy Mission. Council of Ass. 0/T Salary Exec. Sec. 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1973 Dept. Communication. Benefic. Fund. O/T 5. 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1973 Gen Admin.N/M, A.P.W.Joint Comm. and Report. Board of Educ 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1973 Christian Educat. Church Worship. Bookroom 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1973 N/M 9. 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1973 Church Property Trustees, Knox College. Tribute Dr Salmond. Savings and Develop. P. M. Mr Kirk. 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1973 Life and Work 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1973 Theological Educ, Maori Synod, 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 63 Assembly 1973 Opening General Assembly 1974 Address by Dr G. A. F. Knight. 1973
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1975 Opening Assembly 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1975 Moderators Add. Mayoral Reception 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1975 Rev J. G. Matheson reception, Dr L.K.Anderson. Mission Overseas. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1975 Mission Overseas conti. Advisory Board P.I., Reception Dr Merrit 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1975 Dr Merritt contin. N/M 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1975 Communion Service. Rt Rev J. G. Matheson 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1975 Council of Ass, Gen Admin, Finance, Gen Treasurer 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1975 Gen. Treasurer cont. Statistics. A.P.W. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1975 Presentation to J. G. Matheson, Address Dr G. A. F. Knight. Ecc. Aff. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1975 Greetings Nairobi delegates. Intern Relations 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1975 International Relations contin 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1975 Theological Educ 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1976 Moderators address. 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1976 Standing Comm. Business Comm. Missionaries N/M3. Mission Report 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1976 Pacific Island Advisory Board 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1976 Constitution. Spec. Comm on Education 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1976 Standing Comm. Race Relations. N/M5 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1976 Race Relations contin. Board of Education 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1976 Retiring Mod. add. Prof. Dixon. addresses Ass. 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1976 Knox College Council,N/M 7. Reception John McInnes. 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1976 Communion Service. 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1976 Communion Service 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1976 Questions, Doctrine. Bible Soc. Church Union. 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1976 Church Union cont.W.A.R.C. Margaret Taylor. 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1975 Board of Education 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1975 Board of Education contin. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1975 Dept. Of Communication. Life and Work 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1975 Christian Education 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1975 Christian Educ. Benefic. Fund. Sp. Comm on Christian Educ. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1975 Spec. Comm. Educ. contin. New Life, Life and Work. Pub. Questions 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1975 Public Questions contin 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1975 Public Questions cont. Church Union. Ministry 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1975 Ministry contin. Race relations. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1975 Race Relations 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1975 Bookroom, Spec. Comm on Investm. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1975 Bookroom contin. Reception Mr Kennedy. International Relat. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 62 Assembly 1975 Report of Moderator. Dr G. Knight. 1975
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1976 Reception Lester Reid and Robin Lane. P.D.and M. a 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1976 N/M9. Maori Synod. Gen. Admin Joint Comm 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1976 Presentation Fiona McKenzie, Cou. Gen Ass. Fin. Comm. Gen Trea. 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1976 Church Property Trustees. Ass. Exec. Sec. Book of Order. Church Archit. 0.9 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1976 Church Worship. Sav. Develp. Soc. Records, Investments 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1976 Bookroom, Statistics, 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1976 Ministry, Reception Bruce Gibbard. ITIM 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1976 Ministry contin. Social Service., Benefic. Fund 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1976 Standing Comm. Dept. of Communicat. Internat. Relat. 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1976 Departm. of Communications 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1976 ???? 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1976 Public Questions cont. Doctrine Comm. N/M 17 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1976 Public Questions. Doctrine 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1976 Church Union 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1976 Overture 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1976 Overture-Church and Divorce, N/M4. Comm.on Stand. Comm. Dept. of Communication, Ecumenical Affairs 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1976 Overture 7. Petition 1 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1976 P.D.and M.N.M, Ludhiana Appeal 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 54 Assembly 1976 Rt Rev W. B. Watt address 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 55 Assembly 1976 Rt Rev Prof. Breward 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 56 Assembly 1976 Rt Rev Prof. Breward retiring. Prof. Dixon 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 53 Assembly 1976 Rt Rev W. B. Watt 1976
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1977 Evening 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1977 Introductions. Business. Dept. of Communication 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1977 Dept. of Comm. cont. Architecture, Worship. Spec. Comm on Ministr 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1977 Communion 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1977 Statistics. Benefic. Fund. Treasurer, Book of Order, Judicial 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1977 Finance. Seminars on Finance, Reception J. R. Buttle 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1977 Finance 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1977 Mod. arrangements, Retiring Mod. address, International Relat 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1977 Internat. Relat. contin. Recept. Brian Turner, Ecumenical Affairs 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1977 Ministry 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1977 Ministry contin. 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1977 Board of Education, Knox College Coun. Theo. educ. J. S. Somerville 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1977 Theological Educ. contin 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1977 Mission Overseas 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1977 Cnurch Union 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1977 Church Union contin. Reception Jim Stewart 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1977 Jim Stewart's reply, Ministry and Divorce, General Admin. 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1977 Recept. Hugh Templeton, Overseas Visitors, Missions 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1977 Mission Overseas contin.Recept. John England, D.and B. Anderson. Ludhiana Appeal. Don Duncan, Maori Synod, P.I.C. Advisory Board 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1977 P.I.C. conti 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1977 P.D.and M. 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1977 P.D. and M. contin. Doctrine 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1977 Records. Mod/Design. Social Service. Recept. B. Wilson, J. Penman. Social Service, Church Property trustees 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1977 Coun of Gen Ass, Mission Overseas, Appointm editor Written Word. 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1977 1977. Evening. A.P.W. Race Relations 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1977 Race Relations contin. Public Questions 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1977 Recept. Dr Tosh Aria, Public Questions, Church Investm. Ecumenical Affairs, Joint Board Overseas, P.D.and M. 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1977 P.D.and M. contin. J. J. Kuiper, D. K. Boyd, P. Marshall, Gen Admin. Doctrine 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1977 Gen Admin, cont. P.Savings and Develop. 0/T Comm on Stand Comm 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1977 0/T/1. 3, 4, 6, 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1977 N/M 15,18, Next Assembly, Close. 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1977 Peoples Night. 1977
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1978 Opening 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1978 Gen Admin, Bus. Comm, P.D.and M. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1978 P.D. and M. contin, Benefic. Fund, N/M/ Assembly arrangements 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1978 Communion Service, Statistics, Coun. of Gen Ass. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1978 Cou. of Gen Ass, Finance, Gen. Admin, 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1978 Doctrine, 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1978 Doctrine, Book of Order, Mod. arrangem. Retiring Mod. address 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1978 Spec. Comm. on Training for Ministry 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1978 Spec. Comm on Training for Ministry contin. Ass. Arrangements 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1978 Ministry Comm. cont. Spec. Comm on Train. Ministry. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1978 Spec. Comm on Train. Ministry recommend. Board of Education. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1978 Special Comm. on Train Ministry contin 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1978 Church Union. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication I4 Assembly 1978 Ecumenical Affairs, 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1978 P.S.and Devm. Internat Relations. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1978 Internat. Relations, Church Property Trustees. Ecumen. Affairs. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1978 A.P.W., Missions Overseas, G.and M.Horwell. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1978 Joint Comm, Gen. Admin, and Maori Synod. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1978 Questions 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1978 Race Relations. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1978 Reception of President, Election of Moderator-designate. Comm on Ministry and Divorce 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1978 Theological Educat. N/M 13. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1978 Comm. on Training for Ministry, Public Questions 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1978 Public Questions contin, 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1978 Social Service, Church Archit. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1978 Public Questions.. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1978 N/Ms. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 Assembly 1978 1978 Moderators Induction and Address (1/2) 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 Assembly 1978 1978 Moderators Induction and Address (2/2) 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 Assembly 1978 Peoples Night. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 47 Assembly 1978 Gov. Generals Address 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 48 Assembly 1978 General Sec. Bible Soc. 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 49 Assembly 1978 Moderators Sermon 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 50 Assembly 1978 St John's service. Dr. A. A. Brash 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 51 Assembly 1978 Final address.. Moderator. Two Crosses 1978
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1979 Moderators address. Election new Moderator 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1979 Moderators address. Communion Service 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1979 Committee on Stand, Comm 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1979 Sermon 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1979 Sermon. Rev R.O'Grady 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1979 Communion. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1979 Internation. Relations 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1979 Internation Relations, contin. PIC advisory board 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1979 Mod. Arrangements, Reception Dr and Mrs Brash 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1979 Retiring Mod. address. PIC Adv. Comm 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1979 Pacific Island Adv. Comm. Book Book of Order, church property 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1979 Book of order and Judicial Comm. Soc. Serv. Reception 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1979 Social Service Comm. Comm on church schools 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1979 Social Service cont. Committ. on Sch. contin PSD Soc 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1979 Standing Comm. P.D. and M. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1979 P. D. and M. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1979 Singing, with Choir. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1979 Welcome and worship. Candle Procession. Prayers. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1979 The Word. Dr Koyawa. Miss Jean SKuse 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1979 Miss Jean Skuse contin. Choir. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1979 Dedication of Offering.. Prayers Intercession 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1979 Devotions. Constitution Question One and Three 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1979 P.D.and M. report, continued 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1979 P.D. and M. report 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1979 N/M 17, P.D. and M. report. Reception Dr Monneyham 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1979 Maori Synod and General Assembly Joint Comm 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1979 Spec. Comm. Training for Ministry 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1979 Spec. Comm. Training for Ministry contin 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1979 Spec. Comm. Training for Ministry contin 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1979 Assembly Executive Secretary 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1979 Church Architecture 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1979 Church Architecture contin 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1979 Mission Overseas Joint Board 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1979 Mission Overseas contin 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1979 N/M 22. Spec. Comm. on Training for Ministry contin. Reception Dr. P. Matheson. Ministry 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1979 Ministry Committee 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1979 Ministry Comm. contin. N/M1. Standing Comm. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1979 Theological Education. Reception John Evans 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 33 Assembly 1979 Moderate Designate. Public Questions. Comm. on Records 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 34 Assembly 1979 Public Questions contin. N.M 28. Reception Cannon Hammer 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 35 Assembly 1979 Reception Luke Jenkins. A.P.W. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 36 Assembly 1979 A.P.W. contin. Church Union N/M16 Ministry Comm. film 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 37 Assembly 1979 Ecumenical Affairs. Reception Jean Skuse 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 38 Assembly 1979 P.S. and M. contin. Dept. of Communication 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 39 Assembly 1979 Dept of Communication contin. Theological Educ. N/M 14 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 40 Assembly 1979 Race Relations. Reception Dr N. Cherry 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 41 Assembly 1979 Dr Cherry contin. Council Knox College-Salmond Hall. Doctrine 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 42 Assembly 1979 Gen. Admin. Spec. Comm. Training Ministry. Church Worship. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 43 Assembly 1979 Spec. Comm. Training Ministry. Church Worship contin. Treasurer 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 44 Assembly 1979 Public Questions. Standing Comm 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 Assembly 1979 Spec. Comm. Seats on Presby. Overtures 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 Assembly 1979 Overtures. N/M. Appointm. Auditor 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 47 Assembly 1979 Closing. 1979
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1980 Opening Service 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1980 Moderators address. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1980 Receptions. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1980 Comm. on Records. Reception Moderator Church of Scotland 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1980 Reception Exchange Ministers. Business comm. Statistics. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1980 Statistics. Church Worship. Church Architect. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1980 Worship. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1980 Communion. Assembly arrangements. N/M. Gen. Treasurer 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1980 Doctrine. Ass. Exec. Sect. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1980 N/M. International Relations. Reception Rev R. Woolton 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1980 Joan Anderson contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1980 P.D. and M. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1980 Retiring Mod. add. Joint Comm. Maori Synod and Assembly 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1980 J.C.M.Synod and Ass. contin. Knox College-Salmond Hall. P.D. and M 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1980 P.D. and M. contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1980 Church School Heads, presented. Ass. arrangem. comm. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1980 Church Union. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1980 Church Union contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1980 Church Union contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1980 Church Union contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1980 Church Union contin 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1980 Church Union contin. N/M. Reception Mr T. K. Thomas 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1980 Ecumenical Affairs. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1980 Ecumenical Affairs, contin. Finance Comm. Recept. Mr Spiers. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1980 N/M. Finance comm. Gen. Admin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1980 Gen. Admin, contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1980 Dept. Communication. P.S.and D.Comm. Book of Order and Judicial 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1980 Standing Comm. Moderators report to South Korean Ambassadors. A.P.W. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1980 Joint Board of Mission Overseas 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1980 Joint Board contin. Recept. Francis Ogilvie. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1980 Public Questions. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 33 Assembly 1980 Social Service Comm Rep. Spec. Comm. Separation and Divorce 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 34 Assembly 1980 Special Comm. contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 35 Assembly 1980 Special Comm. contin. Recpt. Bible Soc. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 36 Assembly 1980 Moderator Designate 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 37 Assembly 1980 Director of Ministry. Dean Maori and Polynesian Studies. P.D.and M. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 38 Assembly 1980 Church Property Trustees. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 39 Assembly 1980 Presentation Mr and Mrs Smaill. Ministry Comm. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 40 Assembly 1980 Ministry Comm. contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 41 Assembly 1980 Ministry comm. contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 42 Assembly 1980 N/M. Reception Mr and Mrs Watt. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 43 Assembly 1980 Pacific Island Advisory. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 44 Assembly 1980 P.I.C. contin. Public Questions. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 Assembly 1980 Public Questions contin 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 Assembly 1980 Public Questions contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 47 Assembly 1980 Public Questions contin. Benefic. Fund. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 48 Assembly 1980 Overtures. Council of Ass. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 49 Assembly 1980 Recept. Pres. and V.P. of Methodist Conf. Council of ASS. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 50 Assembly 1980 Council of Ass. contin. Race Relations. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 51 Assembly 1980 Race Relations contin. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 52 Assembly 1980 Comm on Educ. for Ministry. Rep. Stand. Comm . Ministry and Divorce 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 53 Assembly 1980 Stand. Comm. contin. P.D. and M. contin. Church Property. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 54 Assembly 1980 Overture. Petition. Standing Comm. N/M 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 55 Assembly 1980 N/M 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 56 Assembly 1980 Closing. Moderator. Moderator of Church of Scotland, add. Communion Service. Retiring Mod, Joan Anderson address. 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1981 Moderator opening Assembly. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1981 Moderators add. contin. Recept. Welcome. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1981 Procedures. Joint Board Mission Overseas. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1981 Presentation Overseas Staff. Gen. Treasurer. Gen. Admin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1981 P.I.C. Advisory Board. N/M/ Ass. Arrangem. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1981 Worship. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1981 Finance Comm. N/M 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1981 N/M Dr. Merritt. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1981 International Relations. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1981 International Relations contin. Retiring Moderators add. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1981 Retiring Moderators add. contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1981 Public Questions. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1981 Public Questions, contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1981 Public Questions contin. Comm on Church Schools. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1981 Comm. on Church Schools. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1981 Church Union. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1981 Church Union contin. Communications comm. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1981 Council of Ass. Gen. Admin. Comm. N/M 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1981 N.M. contin. Church Union contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1981 Spec,. Comm. on Stipends and Salaries. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1981 Spec. Comm. contin. Church Architect. Church Worship. Church Property. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1981 Public Questions contin. N/M 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1981 Recept. Mr D. Douglas. Educ. for Ministry. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1981 Educ. for Ministry contin. N/M 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1981 Educ. for Ministry contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1981 Benefic. Fund. N.M 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1981 N/M. P.D. and Mission 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1981 P. D. and M. contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1981 P.D. and M. contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1981 Rev Dr. Ian Cairns. devotions 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1981 Joint Comm and Maori Synod. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1981 Ecumenical Affairs. Reception.. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 33 Assembly 1981 Ecumenical Affairs, contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 34 Assembly 1981 Moderator Designate.. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 35 Assembly 1981 Nomination Chair Church History. N/M 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 36 Assembly 1981 Appointm. Director of Communication. Editor of Written Word. Race Relations, contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 37 Assembly 1981 Race Relations contin. Social Service. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 38 Assembly 1981 Social Service. A.P.W. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 39 Assembly 1981 A.P.W. contin. Consultation on Comm. Book Order, Statistics. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 40 Assembly 1981 Statistics contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 41 Assembly 1981 Devotions.. Ian Cairns, Church Union contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 42 Assembly 1981 Church Union contin. N/M. P.S.D.Soc. Public Questions contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 43 Assembly 1981 Public Questions contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 44 Assembly 1981 N/M Doctrine Comm. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 Assembly 1981 Doctrine contin. Knox College-Salmond Hall. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 Assembly 1981 P.D. and M. contin. N/m 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 47 Assembly 1981 Ecumenical Affairs, contin. Race Relations contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 48 Assembly 1981 Race Relations contin. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 49 Assembly 1981 Overtures. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 50 Assembly 1981 N/M Closing arrangements. 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 51 Assembly 1981 Closing Assembly 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1982 Opening Assembly 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1982 Moderators Address 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1982 Receptions 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1982 Petitions. N/M. Book of Order-Judicial 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1982 Church Worship. N/M 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1982 Worship. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1982 Worship contin. Address. Kenape Falepise. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1982 Gen. Treasurer. Finance Comm. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1982 Finance Contin. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1982 Greetings. Council of Ass. Gen. Admin. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1982 Gen. Admin. Communication. Statistics. Church Architect. Education for Ministry. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1982 Educ. for Ministry. Recept. Dr Khan and Mr Lee. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1982 Reception contin. Signing of Agreement. Retir. Mod. address. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1982 Ret. Mod. add. contin. Public Questions 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1982 Public Questions contin. Comm on Church Schools. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1982 Comm. on Church Schools contin. Comm. on Dept of Communication. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1982 Consultation. Three Comm. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1982 Consultation. Three comm. contin. Ministry Comm. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1982 Ministry Comm. Church Union. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1982 Church Union. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1982 Devotions.. Mr Granasanderan. Church Property Trustees. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1982 Church Property Trustees, Benefic. Fund. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1982 Benefic. Fund contin. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1982 Spec. Comm. Role of Women. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1982 Spec. Comm. Role of Women contin. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1982 Spec. Comm. Role of Women contin. Joint Board Mission Overseas. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1982 J.B.Mission Overseas contin. W.C.C. Ass. presentation 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1982 Beneficiary Fund. Church Property Trustees. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1982 Devotions. Mr. Granasanderan. P.S.D.Soc. P.D. and M. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1982 P.D. and M. contin. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1982 P.D. and M. contin. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1982 P.D. and M. contin. Mod. Designate. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 33 Assembly 1982 Spec. Comm. Report. Sessional Comm. Report. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 34 Assembly 1982 Sessional Comm. W.C.C. preparation. Dir. of Stewardship. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 35 Assembly 1982 Ecumenical Affairs. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 36 Assembly 1982 Ecumenical Affairs. Joint Comm. Maori Synod. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 37 Assembly 1982 Race Relations. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 38 Assembly 1982 International Relations. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 39 Assembly 1982 International Relations, contin. Sessional Comm. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 40 Assembly 1982 Sessional report. P.I.C. Comm 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 41 Assembly 1982 P.I.C. contin. SocialService 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 42 Assembly 1982 Social Service contin. N/M 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 43 Assembly 1982 Doctrine Comm. N/M 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 44 Assembly 1982 Presentation Delegates W.C.C. Council Knox College-Salmond Hall. Doctrine Comm. contin 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 Assembly 1982 Doctrine Comm. contin. Overtures. P.D. and M. contin 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 Assembly 1982 P.D. and M. contin. Overtures. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 47 Assembly 1982 Petitions. Business Comm. N/M Comm on Standing Comm. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 48 Assembly 1982 Closing. 1982
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1983 Opening Assembly 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1983 Moderators address 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1983 Communion Service 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1983 Council of Assembly 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1983 General Admin. report 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1983 Church Union. Communications. Spec. Comm on Conscience 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1983 Finance Comm. Gen. Admin, com contin. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1983 Statistics. Ass. Exec. Sec. J.Parrick presentation 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1983 Mod. arrangem. Past Moderators address 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1983 Maori Synod-Joint Comm. Doctrine Comm. Book of Order 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1983 Church Schools 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1983 Church Schools. Consultation Three Comm. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1983 Consultation Three Committees contin 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1983 Consultation Three Comm. contin. International Relat. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1983 A.P.W. Leprosy Mission. Public Questions 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1983 Public Questions contin. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1983 Public Questions contin. Benefic. Fund 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1983 Benefic. Fund contin 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1983 Education for Ministry 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1983 Education for Ministry contin 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1983 Education for Ministry contin. Spec. Comm. Dept Communication 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1983 Special Comm. Dept. Communication contin. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1983 Special Communication, contin. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1983 Special Comm. on Communication contin. P.I.C. report 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1983 Reception Official Observers/ Women in Church and Society 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1983 Church Union 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1983 P.D. and M. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1983 P.D. and M. contin 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1983 P. D. and M. contin 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1983 P.D. and M, contin 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1983 P.D. and M contin. Nominations Moderator elect. Ass. Ex. Sec. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1983 Nominations Prof. Pastoral Theol. and N.T.Studies 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 33 Assembly 1983 Church Worship. Ministry 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 34 Assembly 1983 Ministry contin. Ecumenical Affairs 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 35 Assembly 1983 Ecumenical Affairs 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 36 Assembly 1983 Race Delations 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 37 Assembly 1983 Joint Board MissionOverseas 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 38 Assembly 1983 Joint Board Mission Overseas. International Relations contin. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 39 Assembly 1983 International Relations contin. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 40 Assembly 1983 International Relations contin 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 41 Assembly 1983 P.I.C. contin. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 42 Assembly 1983 P.I.C. contin. Sessional comm. Church Property Trustees 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 43 Assembly 1983 Church Architect. P.S.S.A., P.D.and M. Council Knox and Salmond 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 44 Assembly 1983 Race Relations contin. 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 Assembly 1983 Overture 3 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 Assembly 1983 Overture 3 and 4. N/M 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 47 Assembly 1983 N/M 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 48 Assembly 1983 Close of Assembly 1983
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1984 Welcome to 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1984 Opening service.. Election of new Moderator. Moderators add. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1984 Receptions. Communion 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1984 Communion 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1984 Welcome new ministers and elders. Roll changes. Appeal. General Treasurer. Statistics 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1984 Council of Assembly. General Admin. Finance 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1984 Presentation 'Fragile Signs'. Lay Ministry. Doctrine 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1984 Doctrine. Overture 1. Ecumenical Affairs. Report Dr. Alan Brash. Visit to Churches Eastern Europe 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1984 Book of Order. Judicial. Church Schools. N/M 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1984 Assembly arrangements. Retiring Moderators add. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1984 Joint Board of Mission. Presentation of Missionaries. Council for Mission and Ecumenical Co-op 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1984 Council for Mission and Ecumenical Co-op 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1984 N.M. Public Questions 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1984 Public Questions 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1984 Public Questions 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1984 Public Questions. Maori Synod. Reception 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1984 Peoples Night 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1984 Peoples Night 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1984 Group discussions. Sharing Experiences. Race Relations 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1984 Race Relations. Presbyterian Savings and Dev. Soc. International Relations Comm. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1984 International Relations Comm. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1984 A.P.W. Joint International Relations 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1984 Joint International Relations Comm Church Union 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1984 Joint International Relations. Youth Ministry. P.O. and M. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1984 P.D. and M. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1984 P.D.and M. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1984 Pacific Islanders Comm 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1984 P.I.C. Beneficiary Fund. Church Property Trustees 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1984 Education for Ministry 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1984 Education for Ministry. Overture 4 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1984 Moderator designate. Appointments 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1984 Appointments. Role of Women in the Church 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 33 Assembly 1984 Role of Women in the Church. N/M 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 34 Assembly 1984 Ministry N/M 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 35 Assembly 1984 Ministry. Communications.. Architecture. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 36 Assembly 1984 Arrangements. Appeal Comm. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 37 Assembly 1984 Appeal to the Assembly 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 38 Assembly 1984 Report of Appeal to Assembly 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 39 Assembly 1984 Appeal to Assembly 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 40 Assembly 1984 Appeal to Assembly. Nominations Comm. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 41 Assembly 1984 Social Service. Church Worship. Knox College and Salmond Hall 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 42 Assembly 1984 Knox College and Salmond Hall Maori Synod. P.D. and M. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 43 Assembly 1984 P.D.and M. N/M 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 44 Assembly 1984 N/M. closing speeches 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 Assembly 1984 Assembly closes. 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1985 Opening Service. Moderators add. Roll. Election Dr Ian Cairns. Moderators add. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1985 Moderators add. Reception. Welcome 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1985 Announcements. Nominating comm. Petitions. Historical Records 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1985 H.R.C. Statistics. General Treasurer 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1985 General Treasurer Ass. Arrangements Gomm 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1985 Communion 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1985 Council of Assembly. General Administration 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1985 Lay Salaries. Finance. Ass. Exec. Sec. report 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1985 Reception. P.D. and M 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1985 P.D.and M. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1985 P.D. and M. Church. Architecture 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1985 Retiring Moderators add. Public Questions 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1985 Public Questions 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1985 Overtures 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1985 N/M. Overtures. Public Questions 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1985 Public Questions. Council for Mission and Ecumenical Affairs 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1985 Reception of addendum. Reception of Visitors 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1985 Devotions 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1985 Special Committee on Assembly 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1985 Special Committee on Assembly 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1985 Responses to A.Rae's address 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1985 Response contin. Overtures 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1985 Social Service. Church Union 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1985 Church Union. Overtures. Communication 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1985 Communication. N/M 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1985 Women in Church and Society 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1985 Women in Church and Society. Lay Ministry 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1985 Lay Ministry. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1985 Church Schools. Pres. Sav. and Dev. Soc. Ministry Comm. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1985 Ministry Comm. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1985 Ministry Comm. Overture 8. Beneficiary Fund. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1985 Beneficiary Fund. N/M. Reception Sec N.C.C. Election. Moderator 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 33 Assembly 1985 Appointments. Doctrine. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 34 Assembly 1985 Doctrine 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 35 Assembly 1985 Church Property Trustees. Church Worship. P.I.C. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 36 Assembly 1985 P.I.C. Knox College and Salmond Hall. Educ. for Ministry 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 37 Assembly 1985 Educ. For Ministry 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 38 Assembly 1985 Educat. for Ministry. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 39 Assembly 1985 A.P.W. Book of Order. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 40 Assembly 1985 Book of Order. Maori Synod. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 41 Assembly 1985 Maori Synod. Race Relations. Order of the Day 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 42 Assembly 1985 Nominating Comm. Beneficiary Fund. Overtures. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 43 Assembly 1985 Overtures. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 44 Assembly 1985 Law Reform debate. N/M 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 45 Assembly 1985 N/M. Thanks 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 46 Assembly 1985 Closing. 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 1 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 2 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 3 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 4 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 5 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 6 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 7 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 8 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 9 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 14 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 15 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 16 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 17 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 18 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 19 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 20 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 21 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 22 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 23 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 24 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 25 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 26 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 27 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 28 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 29 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 30 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 31 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 32 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 33 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 34 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 35 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 36 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 37 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 38 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 39 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 40 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 41 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 42 Assembly 1986
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 10 Assembly 1967 Notice of motion #23
Standing committee
International relations
Church architecture
Overture #6
New Settlers Committee
Notice of Motion #21
Radio & TV
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 11 Assembly 1967 Radio & TV
Dept. Relig Broadcasting
Notice of motion #17
Church property trustees
Centenary board
Assoc Pres. Laymen
University halls of residence
Knox college council
Board of Educ
Home ministry
Notice of motion #8
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 12 Assembly 1967 Union Parishes
Church union
Pastoral Letter
Social Service Comm.
Church & Ministry
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP1 Assembly 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP2 Assembly 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP3 Assembly 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP4 Assembly 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP5 Assembly 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP6 Assembly 1985
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP1 Assembly 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP2 Assembly 1984
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP1 Assembly 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP2 Assembly 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP3 Assembly 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP4 Assembly 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP5 Assembly 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication SP6 Assembly 1981
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 13 Assembly 1980 PDM 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 302 Assembly 1980 Master tape 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 303 Assembly 1980 Master tape 1980
GA/90 Dept. of Communication 304 Assembly 1980 Master tape 1980

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