Provenance : Foreign Missions Committee

Group Title : Mission Secretary's Papers

Series Title : Inwards Correspondence - NZ Chinese Missions (Rev W Mawson)

Date(s) : Dec 1928 to Apr 1935

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Item Description : This file contains inwards correspondence received by the Foreign Missions Secretary (Rev W Mawson) concerning the New Zealand Chinese Mission.
Note - Rev Mawson continued as honorary secretary/treasurer for the Auckland Chinese Church and some of this correspondence relates directly to the Auckland Chinese Church and Community.

Major Topics Include :  donations and appeals; correspondence from Mr FL Law (Dunedin); correspondence from Dunedin Presbytery Clerk re Chinese Church and affairs in Dunedin; sale of Chinese Calendars, testaments and literature; departure of Mr FL Law (1929); sale of Greymouth Section (1929); requests for assistance re extension of Chinese Entry Visas, financial hardship etc;  letters in Cantonese text (1929); iteneration and deputation work; testimonial and entry permit for Rev YS Chau (1930); induction of Rev YS Chau to Auckland (1930); return of Mr FL Law to Dunedin (1930); statements of account for Warne-Don property (Dunedin); statements of account for Auckland Chinese Mission; request from Mr FL Law for transfer to North Island due to ill health (1931); notices of valuation of Auckland Chinese Mission Properties; return of Mr FL Law to China (1931); Chinese Mission Work in Wellington (1931); list of names of Chinese in Porirua Mental Hospital (1931); correspondence re Mrs YS Chau (1931); reflections on China and its future by Rev YS Chau (1932); appeals for assistance in humanitarian matters and arranging and extension schedule for Rev YS Chau (1932); lack of support for ministry to Chinese Community in Dunedin (1932); reference to last of old Chinese Goldminers in Wakatipu area and records of Rev A Don (1932); references to Dr CE and Mrs AE North in Dunedin (1932); South Island Itineration Reports from Rev YS Chau's Visits (1932, 1933); correspondence from Mr Yue Henry Jackson of the Consulate for the Republic of China, Wellington; request for assistance from Rev AL Miller in Chinese Mission Work, Dunedin (1933); financial report of Chinese Church Picnic, Waiheke and Chinese Young Men's Club, Auckland (1933); letter signed by all members of Auckland Chinese Sunday School (1933); matters relating to extension of Rev A Don's Trust Fund for Benefit of Chinese Work (1934); death of Mr WYK Chan (1934); reflections on Chinese-Japanese Trouble by Rev YS Chau (1935); discussion on lifting of prohibition of entry into New Zealand of wives of Chinese Residents (1935); correspondence from Rev AL Miller.

Chinese Nationals Mentioned in Correspondence include :- Mr W Ah Chee; Willie Wai Lee; Thomas Henry Chee; Jack Din; Ng Soong; Ng Yem Sung; Eileen Law; Mrs Louis Ting Kit; Mr Long Sheung Chan Wai; Chang Jack Kow; (Dannevirke); Lai Kei Sui (Woodville); Annie Wong.

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