Frequently asked questions

When and where is the next Assembly?

Venue: St Andrew's College, Christchurch
Date: From 11am Thursday 30 September to 4.30pm Sunday 3 October 2010

What is General Assembly?

General Assembly is the top governing body of the Church and it meets every two years.

The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand has a hierarchy of governing bodies - session or parish council (local congregations), presbytery (regional) and General Assembly (national). All parishes are entitled to send commissioners to each biennial Assembly meeting. The commissioners discuss and vote on the recommendations and proposals brought to Assembly. This participatory style of decision making is a feature of the Presbyterian Church and runs right from the local to national level.

The main functions of General Assembly are:

  • Legislative - making the regulations that give order to the life of the Church
  • Administrative - exercising general oversight of the Church. Assembly is the major policy-making body of the Church. In an ongoing way it establishes the basic beliefs, overall strategies and direction for the whole Church
  • Judicial - deciding appeals and complaints. In recent years the Assembly has delegated its judicial function to Judicial Commissions. Reports from Commissions may be lodged with Assembly, but Assembly does not debate them.

There is also a Council of Assembly that meets in between General Assembly gatherings and implements Assembly decisions.

Who goes to the General Assembly meeting?

Each parish is entitled to one commissioner to Assembly. Commissioners include include ministers, elders and youth leaders. Lay leaders and children also attend the gathering.

Commissioners discuss and vote on the recommendations and proposals brought to Assembly.

With the approval of the Assembly clerk, it is also possible to attend as an observer or associate. Please ask your presbytery clerk if you are interested in attending as either an observer. Associate status is reserved for those presenting reports.

What is the enrolment process for people attending?

Those who have been selected by their presbyteries/parishes receive an enrolment pack in June. This will contain instructions on how to complete the enrolment process online.

When you arrive at the venue for GA10, please head to the registration desk where you will receive a pack that includes a name-tag, voting cards, a meal card and your room key if you have requested accommodation on-site.

When will Assembly papers be issued?

Commissioners, associates and observers at General Assembly 2010 will be posted papers four to six weeks prior to the meeting. An extra mailing will be sent out approximately two weeks prior to Assembly.

Who is the current Moderator designate?

The Rev Peter Cheyne will be Moderator from the 2010 Assembly til GA12.

Is there any other basic information about Assembly available?

You can download the User's Guide to Assembly 2010.