Register of New Zealand Presbyterian Baptisms 1848 to 1920 :
"Baptised in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, to be faithfully and prayerfully brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord"
Introduction :
This register contains a database of New Zealand Presbyterian Church Baptisms.
Our indexes currently finish in 1920. If the baptism you are looking for is later than the range indexed or is from a Presbyterian parish not listed below, please contact us and we can search our indexes and collections for you
Please Note :
- The date recorded on this database may sometimes reflect the date of birth rather than the date of baptism.
- Where a date of baptism or birth is omitted it can generally be assumed that this was as adult baptism.
- A red asterisk * below will indicate missing records. Refer to "Lost Archives" for further information.
Information Recorded on the Original Rolls :
Full Roll entries may include all or some of the following (the amount of information recorded varies considerably) :
- Full name of the child baptised
- Name of the Father
- Occupation of the Father
- Name of the Mother
- Full date of Baptism
- The name of the Minister who performed the Baptism
- The Baptism roll number in the register
Ordering Copies of the original Entries :
Please contact us with the details of the baptism in question. We will supply you with an official transcript of the certificate via email for a fee of $20.00. If you would prefer to receive a print out of the transcript we will discuss postage costs with you.
Access the Databases (Click on Heading) :
Northland Presbytery :
Auckland Presbytery :
South Auckland Presbytery :
Bay of Plenty Presbytery :
Wanganui Presbytery :
Nelson - Marlborough Presbytery :
Christchurch Presbytery :
Westland Presbytery :
North Otago Presbytery :
Dunedin Presbytery :
Central Otago Presbytery :
Clutha Presbytery :
Mataura Presbytery :
Southland Presbytery :
We sincerely thank the following individuals for their long and arduous work in transcribing and checking entries from the original baptism registers:
- Eleanor Leckie
- Barbara & Rex Weavers
As all entries may not have been thoroughly checked and in some cases the original hand writing has been difficult to decipher, these rolls may contain occasional errors. Please notify us should you note any such errors. Should spelling differ from that on the actual certificate we will enter both spellings on this database.

From at least the early 1920's the New Zealand Presbyterian Church issued colourful and very attractive New Zealand themed Baptismal certificates, this example dating from the 1950's. |