Book of Order

The Book of Order identifies the rules and forms of procedure of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand. The Book of Order and its related regulations and supplementary provisions can be viewed using the links below:

Book of Order

The Book of Order (BOO) is published by the Office of the Assembly Executive Secretary PO Box 9049, Wellington (September 2006) ISBN 0-908847-57-2. If you choose to download the file and experience problems please email us.

The current Book Of Order Advisory Committee Convenor is Rev Dr Kerry Enright.

Download the 2023 Book of Order

This version of the October 2023 Book of Order was published on the Church website 15 July 2024.

Book of Order Appendices: Download the Book of Order Appendices - Constitutional documents and Statements of Faith and Polity of the PCANZ

How to make changes to the Book of Order Any person, committee, workgroup, or council of the Church that has a right to bring a proposal or recommendations to the Assembly, can propose changes to the Book of Order (see BOO 14.8 (2) for a full list). Find out the correct process with this helpful guide from the Book of Order Advisory Committee, A Guide: How to make changes to the Book of Order (Aug 2022).  Download here.

Code of Ethics

Effective from 17 March 2018, the Code of Ethics has become a stand-alone Supplementary Provision. The current version (published March 2018) is available below.

Download the Code of Ethics

Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest and Bias

Prepared by the Book of Order Advisory Committee in 2007. It is important for the Church that its ministers and decision-makers avoid actual or potential conflicts of interest and actual or apparent bias in their dealings with others on behalf of the Church.

Download BOAC Guidelines for Conflicts of Interest and Bias

Child Protection Policy

Effective from 11 December 2018.

Download the Child Protection Policy (amended by 2023 General Assembly, updated March 2024).

Children’s and Youth Ministry Code of Ethics

Download from the PYM Safety WOF website the latest edition of the Children’s and Youth Ministry Code of Ethics. This code forms Appendix 4 to the Child Protection Policy.

You can also download from the PYM Safety WOF website the Children’s and Youth Ministry COE at a Glance table which is shorter and easy to engage with.

Conditions of Service Manual

The latest Conditions of Service Manual (amended 1 October 2023) guides congregations and presbyteries as they work with ministers and lay employees. It is a supplementary provision to the Book of Order and its contents have the status of regulations.

Other Supplementary Provisions

Other Supplementary Provisions (last amended 1 Oct 2023 ) include additional regulations for mediation, Chapter 6 (ministry development, pastoral resolution committee), Chapter 8 (roll of ministers) Chapter 9 (ministry training and ordination, amorangi transition to nationally ordained ministry,  administration of sacraments), Chapter 10 (stated supply, transition ministry, lay supply, ministry settlement boards, reinstatement to roll of ministers), Chapter 14 (Nominating Committee, election of Assembly Moderator, appointment of Assembly Executive Secretary, youth representatives), Chapter 15 (disciplinary oversight by presbytery, presbytery pastoral resolution committee), Chapter 16 (property & finance).

Local Shared Ministry Handbook

The Local Shared Ministry Handbook (Oct 2023 v2) was developed by the Leadership Sub-committee of the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand and adopted as a Supplementary Provision to the Book of Order at the 2023 General Assembly. It is offered to the wider Church for implementation. Local Shared Ministry is covered by Book of Order regulations 9.23 – 9.32. These are included at the end of this handbook as Appendix 1. 

Book of Order advice

Please contact the Assembly Executive Secretary or the Compliance Support Officer by email or phone: AES, email or phone 027 569 1971. Kate Wilson, email or phone (04) 381-8291 Mon - Thurs.