Mission Resources

If you have arrived at this page you are probably looking for templates and how-to guides that help your congregation with developing and communicating a vision, undertaking spiritual discernment, mission or project planning. There is no shortage of resources available – books, journals, on-line blogs, websites, consultants and so forth – and are all easy to discover by talking to others and finding out what they found helpful. There are many methodologies that can be used in planning, for example, but the benchmark is not so much what sort of attractive planning document can be produced (and then filed and forgotten), but how helpful and future-focussed it is and how the process engages multiple stakeholders and creates congregational “buy in”.

Resources for mission

PressGo administers a range of resources (people, information and financial) on behalf of the Church, with the objective of pursuing missional growth. In terms of financial resources, PressGo administers the Mission Enterprise Fund and Presbyterian Foundation funds to support mission (read more on the sources of funding section of this website).

These funds are a very small part of the overall financial resources within our Church – there are also ample resources held by congregations and presbyteries. It is PressGo’s role to help the Church redirect its attention and resources to “pursing missional growth”. We want to support and encourage congregations who are committed to growing the Kingdom of God.

A mission plan is essential

Current mission plans are required by presbytery and Church Property Trustees when making major decisions such as altering or constructing new buildings, borrowing money or seeking support from Lottery Grants Board. Ministry settlement boards must consider the current mission plan in determining ministry needs and PressGo, as well as other external funders, will expect to see a Mission Plan which supports the projects you are seeking to fund. For assistance in developing your Mission Plan, please contact PressGo, email pressgo@presbyterian.org.nz

Creating a mission plan

Rather than a bibliography or a set of templates, the Church offers congregations resource people who can provide up-to-date advice and assistance in developing your mission, dealing with the inevitable challenges and creating a process of ongoing feedback on how you are doing.

Contact the Assembly service team

Members of the Assembly service team all have their own insights and skills to offer congregations. Contact any of the team for advice on their respective areas of expertise.

Contact PressGo

Contact PressGo pressgo@presbyterian.org.nz as it has a role in building capacity in congregations through teaching, coaching or facilitation as well as connecting churches with “experts” and others who they can partner with. Sometimes the very best ideas for a new initiative will emerge from a little spark, other times it is from a bold vision. Even congregations who are struggling to understand what the future will look like for them can find imagination and inspiration in the tension of change. Many projects will be about “experiments around the edge” – in the community where God is already active.

Some of the tangible ways PressGo can work with congregations are:

  • Assistance, facilitation or coaching in preparing Strategic, Mission, Operational, Project or Fundraising Plans or reviewing them. This can be to a group of congregations who wish to work together or a single congregation.
  • Facilitation or advice regarding spiritual discernment for leadership group.
  • Help in identifying options for church development, earthquake strengthening etc
  • Undertaking a professional capacity study such as a Fundraising Feasibility and Planning Study or an Operational Audit
  • Guidance on funding sources and case development for best result. Advice and/or assistance in preparing external funding applications or approaches for funding or resourcing.
  • Help parishes understand the consequences of establishing separate Trusts for community mission activities.
  • Advice on social enterprise, including feasibility and business planning process.
  • Provide information on “new expressions” within our Church to parishes looking for examples of good practice and process in listening, imagining and trialing.
  • Developing congregation’s missional imagination for a potential “turnaround” congregation.
  • Facilitate or workshop change management process for congregation or a group.
  • Advise on staff structure to achieve mission goals, review job descriptions etc to advance.
  • Exploring connecting up, forming partnership and beneficial relationships with other churches and agencies.
  • Understanding your community context for mission.
  • A Christian Giving resource for use in parishes has been developed and is available.

For more information, guidelines and application forms please contact PressGo, email pressgo@presbyterian.org.nz