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Bill and Margaret Best Travel Fund
Are you a PCANZ minister considering domestic or overseas travel as part of your study leave? Are you a lay worker or elder in a PCANZ church considering a study course that requires travel? Apply for a Bill and Margaret Best Travel Fund Grant administered by the Personnel Workgroup. Closing date for applications is 30 September each year.
Glen Innis Holiday Homes – now available to more ministers!
Two holiday houses at Glen Innis Station, Central Hawke’s Bay, are available to National Ordained Ministers each year at no cost (a refundable bond is required). One house (Maud Hooper) is now also available for use by Local Ordained Ministers, Amorangi, and Local Shared Ministry team members - outside school holiday periods - at a cost of $200 per week (plus refundable $100 bond)
Historic Abuse
The Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand has a duty of care that we take very seriously. To report or discuss any matter concerning abuse and the Presbyterian Church, see contacts here.
GA2023 video and decisions
Watch daily video of business and read the daily decisions on the PCANZ website. There's also coverage and images of events at the Assembly. The closing Sunday service video can be found on the Sunday 1 Oct page....