

Click to download the autumn 2018 edition of Spanz. In this edition Presbyterians speak out on the bill that would give doctors the legal right to end a person’s life that’s making its way through Parliament. We celebrate the achievements of a parishioner who helped get Iraqi children to school; and Presbyterian Research Centre’s Unesco recognition for its Chinese collection; and a free store that provided Christmas food and gifts to needy families. We are inspired by Pasifika youth, and an amorangi minister, who are taking faith and food to the homeless on the streets of Auckland. We hear how the faith of the Children’s Commissioner has guided his career. We discover how Pasifika women are challenging white male leadership. We congratulate a Taiwanese church on getting its own home after 27 years. We share how youth leaders were treated to a scenic retreat. We discover why the Moderator is still a Presbyterian. We meet an Anglican vicar who will travel to Vanuatu to teach Ni-Van Presbyterians. Read these stories plus many more in the autumn 2018 edition of Spanz.