A Prayer of Thanksgiving and Dedication

You have come close to each of us.
You have extended to us your own special love,
and have given to us such special gifts.
Thank you God for these.

Thank you for all the other gifts
that are present in these people around me.
Together we are a gifted people - Your people.

You gave us these gifts for a purpose.
They are to be used by us,
to serve the needs of others.
Give us courage, Lord, and the confidence too,
to take these gifts with us now as we go.

Open our eyes and hearts to those we meet.
Help us to see their need, and to show your love,
and to use Your gifts that are invested in us,
to bring them hope, and life.

We go now with unwrapped gifts, ready to be used.
We go as your servants,
Ready to touch others with your love.
And we don't go alone.
