Eco Church & PCANZ 
Special Assembly 22 (see below) supported the proposal that the PCANZ become a denominational partner of Eco Church NZ and that individual presbyteries and parishes be encouraged to join Eco Church. Eco Church New Zealand is churches across Aotearoa New Zealand actively caring for God’s earth as an integral part of their mission. A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand established the Eco Church NZ Project in 2020 as an ecumenical initiative to support church communities to actively care for God’s earth as an integral part of their mission.
Special Assembly also passed a motion that all ministry units within the Presbyterian Church undertake the survey and choose one action point from each suggested area to complete over the coming year.
Introducing Eco Church video
Upcoming Eco Church Training, Resources, Events & Speakers
New Eco Church Action Planner - formerly known as the Eco Church Self-Assessment Worksheet
Introducing the newly revised and renewed Eco Church Action Planner - formerly known as the Eco Church Self-Assessment Worksheet. Download and read more here.
The new guide will help churches turn their eco goals into manageable tasks
Eco Church Training & Events
Eco Church Speakers | Ngā Kaikōrero
Theologians. Activists. Motivators. Doers. Eco Church has great speakers, including Presbyterians, who can help inspire you and your church on your Eco Church journey. If you’re looking for speakers for an event, browse through their list of speakers and get in touch with them here.
Special Assembly 2022 - Eco Church
SA22 supported the recommendations that the Council of Assembly:
a) Establish a working group for an initial period of six years to:
i) promote initiatives to help the various part of the Presbyterian Church reduce carbon emissions by 5% per annum
ii) report to the General Assembly regarding how the Church is progressing in reducing carbon emissions
iii) in due course recommend to the General Assembly steps that could be taken to further the objective beyond the six years.
b) Adopt a framework to monitor carbon emissions of Assembly operations, make best endeavours to reduce carbon emissions of Assembly operations by 5% per annum, monitor progress in achieving that objective and report progress to each General Assembly until 2030, taking advice from the work group if it is deemed helpful.
Supported the proposal that the Presbyterian Church become a denominational partner of Eco Church NZ and that individual presbyteries and parishes be encouraged to join Eco Church. Eco Church NZ was launched in 2020 by A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand as a network and resource centre for churches engaged with caring for creation. It began in the United Kingdom and is thriving in many parts of the world. Eco Church is free to register. All that is required is a statement of intent. Among the benefits of joining is a self-review process for mission planning, a subsidised programme for zero waste, networking events and resources for engaging with children and youth on ecology and biodiversity projects.
- Passed a motion that all ministry units within the Presbyterian Church undertake the A Rocha Eco Church survey and choose one action point from each suggested area to complete over the coming year. The suggested areas are: worship and teaching, church buildings, church land, community engagement and sustainable living.